Five5 artists will show their talents for the whole of August at the Longcross Hotel, Trelights. The Hotel is within walking distance of Port Isaac (Port Quin as in Doc Martin) and the real Port Quin. This year Dylan Cotton, Debbie Trant, Caroline Cleave and Linda Irwin will be joining me. They are all very talented artists!
I have been exhibiting there for the last four years and it was always great. The Longcross attracts people with a little bit more spending money than the average person. We will open on the 2nd until the 30th; 11:00 till 17:00.
Hope to see you there...
Monday, 15 July 2013
Longcross Hotel Art Exhibition. Five5 artists will be exhibiting at this venue in North Cornwal, UK.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Bitcoin and Litecoin 4 Art
3 July 2013
It seems to be like a vortex or tornado sucking us in. Well, some of us get sucked in and some of us realize that we should probably get sucked in and then when we do it's far more chaos than what we thought... Then there are those who's not affected at all.., they seem to be the blessed one's...
I'm in the chaos group and my Internet 'rage' does not help.., the Internet just does not care how angry I get! It just keeps calm and does what it does.., drives me insane!
Now it is Bitcoin and Litecoin! Finally I understand the concept and I can now also stand - for a little bit - in amazement at this.., well, amazing concept! Alternative currency - do I want to share in it? Hell yes! The problem is though that as soon as I've said 'yes' I fall back into the vortex of spinning chaos and then the rage takes over and I get left behind.
Fortunately I have some very patient friends - not many, but some who tries to keep me on track! My lovely little wife does more than her best too....
OK, so this is what I'm trying to do - emphasis on 'trying'! I'll be selling some of my art on ebay - nothing new, for Bitcoin or Litecoin - also nothing new.., unfortunately. My art though is NEW and original to the point where original does not seem to even exist. Great stuff!
Well don't take my word for it - go and have a look your selves!
27 July 2013
OK...., it is still chaos and I feel left behind even more than before.., sad, sad story!
My eBay listings was as unsuccessful as finding Osama Bin Laden!
Really.., yes, REALLY - Osama is alive and well AND was never lost in tghe first place!
I'm loosing focus am I not?
OK, my eBay listings was as unseccessful as Bush finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq! I'm not talking about a young boy being unsuccessful at getting that first kiss..., oh no, massive unsuccessfulness! Killing millions of innocent humans for oil profits and then not even getting a penny from doing it - that kind of unsuccesfulness!
Yes, I'm negative and probably depressed as well.., and to make it even worse my spell check does not work on this andriod thingy I'm using......!!!
All bad news....
Good news though is that I suffer from a very flexible multi personallity disorder and I can pass depression and those kind of negative things to some of my 'other' entities and these poor half-souls end up having to deal with all that shite...
I then bask in the sun of happiness and delirium, while these idiots do my ebay listings..' anhd then I complain!
Bitcoin.., Litecoin..' this really REALLY sounds good.., it's just getting in on the action!
I'll have to talk to the others...., damn!