Thursday 24 June 2010

The Waiting Waiter

He had a long day and now he's waiting for you to pay.
He might be on the grumpy side and that's because he is!
He used to be much friendlier, but that was before he had to wait and wait.

He's from several places.
Shoes and belt came from the old docks in Port Haven, East Sussex.
His jacket is that of a Morris Minor and grass cutters.
His face and hat was constructed from a bicycle seat.
Last his face and body was an off cut from my friend Daniel Sohdi Miles!

There you have it and he's still waiting!

Thanks for reading!
Lo Shem Alef

Those familiar with Hebrew will know that this little characters name means ' No Name One'. This is probably the name you would have got if where named by the American Native people and you really had no name!

"Hey, No-name-one!"

Yes he or shall I talk about 'it' to prevent any sexist comments..? No, I'll stick to he, came with a load of fire wood from a talented sculptor and friend, Daniel Sohdi-Miles. Dan however did not really comprehend at the time that I just cannot let things go - especially a half little man that stood there with some sort of laid-back arrogance - telling me he's so much more than just a piece of fire wood. Yes, he actually told me he is a 'god'!

Well, I felt really sorry for him. He did not look like a god at all. He looked more like a sophisticated piece of fire wood. But never ever let a piece of fire wood with an attitude find out that he does not look like a god. It might cause spontaneous combustion, which isn't something you want your fire wood to do, unless they do it only when you want to light your fire - which would really be a time saver and if you can patent it you'll make more money than Bill!

I took pity or the poor little guy and kept him in my workshop standing in a spot where he could watch me doing my thing - you know, giving him more confidence that I really serious at what I'm doing. It's like having the opportunity of observing a dentist before you go and sit in the sacrificial chair to take your share of pain.

Slowly but surely his confidence started to grow and I could sense a warm glow of trust radiating from his dried little wooden body. It was such a great feeling - it was winter and my hands were freezing!

Then one day I gabbed him, held him down with my one imaginary hand and used my two real hands to attach a couple of god-like appendixes to his wooden body. I had to works fast - the spontaneous combustion issue see!

He might think, "Hey, what the hell are doing to me?"
"Don't you now that I'm a god?"

He might then notice the sombre stare of my welding helmet and he might just start to doubt his godly being and before you know it, a good piece of fire wood burns in the wrong place and it might become an out of control fire in no time!

I however did it - some precision welding, some precision grinding, some precision drilling, some precision screwing (don't laugh, I'm being serious) and some precision varnishing and look at him - a real god!
Well OK, he is sure he's a real god now and no blank stare from my welding helmet will make him think otherwise!

To get him to his self-acclaimed status of 'god' I have attached a fitting head - old log splitting tool - I think and several ribs from a car coil spring and there he is!

Thanks for reading - I'll have to go and have a 'godly'-nap now!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

They are everywhere - or so I wish - just lying there, most of the time over grown or in-the-way! To many its just old rusted pieces of metal and sometime weather dried pieces of wood. To me however these are as precious as what clean drinking-water soon will be!

Rusted metal, old weathered wood and lots more are my treasures. Without these discarded unwanted pieces a huge part of me will end to exist!

I cannot recount the number of times that I’ll see a piece of metal or wood and it ‘tells’ me it wants a second chance at being – being something someone will admire and even find humorous.

The worst of coarse is when I cannot save them from their being shipped off to the scarp yard and ultimately being melted down to be mixed and molded into something they did not want to be – like cheap Chinese nails!

Anyway, I’m an expat South African with a huge imagination and an inability to do normal things.

I embrace the insanity of being different and doing different things!

Each new re-creation goes hand in hand with a lot of thought – none with in the sphere of what could be considered serious thinking, but more along the line of a story – a beginning of a new life kind of story.

So, this blog will be about what I do and the stories that go with it!

Thanks for reading!